Twisting Econ

Twisting Econ

Friday, August 9, 2013

Post Lesson 1/Pre-Lesson 2


First here is my question for your journal (which you can replace either questions 2 or 3 with): We tend to think of costs as the money we pay for things. But does that mean that there would be no costs in a primitive society that did not yet use money or in a modern cooperative community, where people collectively produce the goods and services they use and do not charge each other for them?

Remember that your 3 standard questions are:
  1. What was the thesis of this reading?
  2. What was your biggest takeaway or what/how does this apply to your interests? (If you don’t know where to go here I will email a question for thought before each lesson).
  3. What don’t you understand or what objection do you have?
Second, here are my thoughts on todays lesson:

I was very pleased with your interaction today! Keep it up. the more you bring to class the quicker this will go and the more you will actually "learn." On any given day I really encourage you to bring in a question or thought that might be buggin you and challenge your classmates and I to figure out how/what econ has to say about these things.


  1. Why can't the mint make more money so everyone can be rich

    1. If the mint makes more money then the value of the US dollar drops, which will make the prices of every thing rise. It's yet again supply and demand. If we have a large supply of cash the less in demand the dollar is. The German government tried to do this after the 1st world war, and what ended up happening was that citizens had to bring bucket loads of cash to go buy one simple grocery. At least that's what I've been told.

    2. I agree with Whoami??. This is why the exchange rate between the Euro and Dollar have gotten further and further apart.
